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Default Parameters

Default Parameters A JavaScript function can have default parameter values. Using default function parameters, you can initialize formal parameters with default values. If you do not initialize a parameter with some value, then the default value of the parameter is undefined. Example 1 Without passing argument value function Hello(name) { console.log('Value Of Name parameter = ' + name ) } Hello(); Output Value Of Name parameter = undefined Example 2 passing argument value function Hello(name) { console.log('Value Of Name parameter = ' + name ) } Hello("Hello"); Output Value Of Name parameter = Hello Example 1 With Set Parameters Default vlaue // Add Name parameter default value is 'Hello World' check below function Hello( name='Hello World' ) { console.log('Value Of Name parameter = ' + name ) } // Calling without passing arguments show the default value Hello(); Output Value Of Name

Steps for install angular on your machine

Install Node Js from .  after install node check installation is successful run command on CMD   node -v show the node version. Open Command Prompt Run as administrator and run command " npm install -g @angular/cli " when install angular cli shows some error and warning  ignore them.  After install the angular cli create the project in the C Drive when open command prompt run as administrator show the current path like this "C:\Windows\system32>" go to the root run "cd/" command  then enter go to the root "C:". Run command " ng new project-name "  like this "ng new angularApp " press enter.  go to our project folder "cd angularApp" press enter. run command " ng serve -o" this command run local server and shows your app on your browser http://localhost:4200. Extra command ""